Lone Parenting – Pros & Cons

So hubby has gone away to work again!

Every time he works away the week or two before his mood dips and my anxiety heightens.

So I’m on my own again! It’s only a week this time and I know there are some out there that are single parents all the time! There are some out there whose hubbys are away 6 month’s at a time!


But pros and cons of being a lone parent!


  • I can watch tv at all hours of the night! – Sometimes when I can’t sleep I like to listen to a sitcom like Miranda or not going out. but when hubby is fast asleep I don’t like to put tv on!
  • Snuggles in bed with the kids – Okay we have snuggles most nights but when it’s just us I love that they fall asleep snuggled up to me! we chat about our day and plan what we are doing tomorrow!
  • I tend to read more when hubby is away – I can grab a cuppa and a book and sit and read once the kids have gone to sleep.
  • There is more hot water – one less bath means more hot water for me to have a bath!
  • Less washing – Hubby goes though more clothes a week than the kids!


  • I feel very alone at night – once I’ve locked the door I know the only people I’m going to see is my kids and although I love them lots it’s no substitution for my hubby!
  • I tend to eat rubbish when hubby is away  – It’s no fun cooking meals for people who would rather have a happy meal!
  • Reassuring hugs & kisses – If I have a bad day when hubby is away There is no one to hug away the bad feelings of the day!
  • I don’t really sleep very well when hubby is away – Despite sometimes having sleepless nights anyway, when hubby is away he tends to be in a different time zone and somehow I adopt that time zone too!
  • My anxiety goes through the roof when hubby is way – My brain is on over drive with what ifs.
  • There is no-one else to put the kids in bed – If the kids fall asleep not in bed I have to be the one to carry them to bed!
  • I feel sad that hubby is missing things – The kids do something that makes me proud, or we make a memory together , Hubby is missing them.

I miss him when he is away!


I will get through the week, I will miss him then he will be back and I will be moaning about him again within days!


