Meal Plan Monday. – 25th March

I’ve been think for a while about doing weekly meal plans on here.

I’m terrible at thinking of new ideas though and struggle getting healthy meals into my kids.

Years ago when I first started blogging I use to partake in something called meal plan Monday.

It really helped me to stay on track and plan more.

That’s what I need now. We spend far to much money in the local shop for bits and bobs due to not having a plan.

Doing this (fingers crossed) will get me back into weekly shops and saving more money.

Meal Plan

So after a rather rambley intro here is my meal plan for week commencing 25th March

Monday – Cheesy pasta mixed with veg

Tuesday – Lemon Chicken with new potatoes and salad

Wednesday – Hot dogs.

Thursday – Spanish omelette, ham, steamed veg & sweet potato fries.

Friday – Take out Friday

Saturday – Kids – nuggets & chips Adults – cheese board after kids have gone to bed.

Sunday – I’m hoping for a Sunday lunch somewhere for Mother’s Day

I’ll try and remember to come back next week. With another Meal Plan.

Meanwhile please let me know what’s on your meal plan for the week.

Nina x

Im jointing Katy Kicker’s meal plan linky
