Wicked Wednesday – I wan’t My Cardigan

Last night we went for a lovely drink on the beach front The kids played lovely, me and hubby were able to chat! By chat I mean catch Pokemon!

The sun soon went down and it turned a little chilly (probably about 20 degrees!)

I had brought J a hoody to put on and M had her denim Jacket – Unfortunately this wasn’t right! she wanted her cardigan.

I think she may have been a little over tired as all the way from the cafe to the car she repeated she wanted her cardigan. I offered her my shawl but it wasn’t good enough. Her denim jacket she protested “still feels cold” – I actually think she ment the cardigan felt more comfy.

So all the way home in the car she still wanted her cardigan!

Then we got home I gave her the cardigan – “but it’s too late now were going to bed”

You know when your kids get so tired they just focus on that one thing. but then the thing is just a word that they fixate on!

Yeh that!

This photo is pre “I want my cardigan”



Leave a comment if you suffer with over tired object fixation!


Joining in with Brummy Mummy of 2’s Wicked Wednesday



