June -Word Of The Month

Good Morning welcome to June EveryOne.

Half way through the year!

May Update.

Last month was a busy one

We had an adventure in Norfolk, where myself and hubby had a date on the water, some family fun in Bewilderwood, a family boat trip and more.

I had a day trip to This Morning Live with the little twins.

There was a Royal wedding,

There was lots of learning, tantrums, smiles & laughs from both sets of twins and me!

And loads more besides.


This month is looking to be a packed one too.

June will see us raising money for the superhero’s at Jessops Sheffield,

I will be having just over a week of solo parenting as Chris travel to the US for work!

It’s Nanny Sue’s birthday and also Chris dads birthday.

It’s Father’s Day,

Myself & Chris are having a date night at Sheffield arena to see Micheal McIntyre.

Then we will have to pack for our Lanzarote trip next month.

Word Of the Month

So with all that in mind what is my word of the month for June?

Last Month I said my word was going to be self care. However due to the sheer busyness of life this hasn’t really happened!

So I’m keeping the word of the month as Self Care and over on instagram I will be using #spencersarcselfcare

Self Care will mean that I do things to improve my health and mood.

So that means doing little things throughout the month. Making sure I schedule in Me time.

They could be swimming, exercise, hair appointment. painting my nails, journaling etc.

What do you do for self care?

What does it mean to you?

Are you guilty of putting self care last on your todo list?

Dont forget to follow me on instagram to see what me and the family get up to daily!

Nina x
