Wicked Wednesday – I told you it wasn’t broken!

Today’s post isn’t about my children as such but my god-daughter!

She is 15! Yes people they still deserve a good shaming blog post even as a teenager!

A couple of weeks ago Her mum asked if I could take them to A&E. My god Daughter(G)  had banged her wrist it had gone a funny colour and she couldn’t feel her fingers.

All the way there she rattled on (In nerves I suspect) about how she didn’t need A&E it wasn’t broken and if we lived in america we wouldn’t be going as it would be too much money!

Then when we got there and sat the 4 hour wait to get seen G decided maybe it was broken and she would quite like to have a pot, a sling, a brace!

Obviously in true mum style me and her mum said if you don’t stop whining you will need more than a pot! 😉

After she had, had a x-ray she was told just bruising and we went on our way!

All the way back G was like a stuck record – ‘I told you it wasn’t broken’

I think she was rather disappointed it wasn’t broken and she didn’t get a pot!

This is the obligatory A&E waiting room instashot!

Thins post is linked on Brummy Mummy of 2’s #wickedwednesday 


