Ready For A Cuppa Review- Aubaine Deli

Last week I was I was invited to participate in a workshop for the Woman’s Institute in London.

While There I met up my Hubby If you follow me or know me you will know he works in London during the week!

We managed to sneak a quick-lunch in! This is a rare occurrence!

SO we chose this lovley Deli in Covent Garden Market!

I love Covent Garden. the bustle of people the niche little market stalls, the food, & the street Performers!

Back to My cuppa


Aubaine Deli is a french resturant chain with a few resturants dotted around London and a couple in Dubai.

At the counter you can see the pastry temptations along with the cakes!

We were shown a table by the window where you could people watch while enjoying your cuppa!


I had a breakfatst tea with a ham & Cheese croissant – It wash delishous!

Its very rare that I get time in the day to spend with my hubby

Thats waht made this cuppa – Cuppa of The Week – to be honest we could have had a takeout and sat at a bus stop nattering.

The polite friendly staff and excelent food just topped it off!

If you would like to know more about Aubaine Deli pleae follow the links throughout this post.

