Topsy & Tim Back to school book *Review*

If I remember back to my school days I remember some of my favourite books were the Topsy & Tim books.

I even had twin dolls.

So when I was blessed with my very own Topsy & Tim I started them watching the series on TV and bought any books I could find!

A few weeks ago I was contacted to ask if I would like to review a copy of the Topsy and Tim learning books from Ladybird. I jumped at the chance.


My twins started full time school in September and they are currently starting work on a phonics program called read write inc.

When I picked up these books to go through them with my two I was pleased to see they actually work hand in hand with their school work.

The first spellings book is great for handwriting as well as learning sounds.

J is not normally interested in writing but even he found this book fun. He even sounded out some of the words I thought he may struggle with.

It’s a great little book and it’s wipe clean so both children could have a go and they can do it over and over again!

The Topsy & Tim first words book has a little more advanced words in than we can recognise  at the moment but we still had fun sticking in the stickers.

M enjoys learning and loved guessing words by the first couple of letters.

The books are designed in a way that school children can relate to when first starting school. Within them are activities revolving around getting dressed, starting school and making friends. Daily school routines like lunch & lining up!

In the package we also received a Peppa Pig book – Peppa Pig – Going Swimming.

The book is designed for children just starting to read.  There are a few words that the children can sound out and a few words mine knew anyway like mummy & daddy.

All the Topsy and Tim books can be found online at

If your little ones are starting school soon or have just started I would recommend these books.

I was sent the books in exchange for a review. All the opinions however are my own.


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