Friday Night’s Alright!
On Friday night Me and Spencer’s ARC Daddy (Chris) headed out with friends. We left the kids and babies with Nanny Sue!
She’s such a brave lady taking them all on!
Now the group of friends we were out with us girls met through sure start 6 years ago. Our husbands hit it off too. I feel so lucky to have such good friends in our lives. As a group though we have never before been out altogether without the kids!
Our night out was attending the opening night of a new showbar in Lincoln. We stayed out until 4am! I’m not sure we have ever stayed out that long before (Ok maybe when I was in my early 20’s)

BlogOn Toys
On Saturday morning me & Chris had to catch a train to Manchester for the BlogOn Conference!

I haven’t been to a blogging conference for ages. This year I decided to head to BlogOn Toys in Manchester at the amazing venue of Hotel Football!
I decided to bring Chris along too! He has recently got into instagram and is my support on this weird blogging, vlogging journey. Well Some one has to carry the bags right?
So after a manic night / early morning we got off the train still feeling a little hyper from the night before!
Dressed As a Christmas Pudding
We met up with a few other bloggers at Wagamams. Me dressed as a Christmas pudding. I have to say I did get a few stares. well you would dressed in a Christmas dress in September!

I heard that there were bloggers still dancing as the DJ was packing up!
Conference Day
Sunday morning arrived and we headed to the conference. We grabbed our epic goody bags (no it’s not a windup take a suitcase trust me!) then grabbed a sausage sandwich for breakfast. Its then time to buy tombola tickets and raffle tickets before heading to the welcome chat! It was a very relaxed welcome talk was given, swearing and all By Laura of Tired Mummy of Two
Public Speaking
I chose to attend public speaking and online presenting with Sophie Mei Lan Hale and Lee Furness. They really did throw everyone in at the deep end. I actually cried as they wanted us to do a live video there and then. I’m not sure if it was nerves or tiredness or the fact i was coming down with a cold but I didn’t have anything to say and suddenly couldn’t think of anything I was passionate about!
Go Pro Videos
Next up was creating awesome GoPro videos with Alex Wing!
This talk has throughly refuelled my passion for creating cinematic vlogs! I can’t wait for our next Spencer’s ARC road trip to get some footage.
Lunch Time
After the very delicious Christmas buffet lunch complete with sausages with bacon wrapped round, and mince pies we decided to head down to the brand den!
Meeting Brands
The brand den is where us bloggers can meet up with pr companies and direct with companies to exchange details take part in some crazy competitions and check out any new products brands are wanting to promote!
After we had made the rounds picking up lots of freebies we had missed the next session which was a Photography Hub, a chance to make some flatlay scenes and receive some advice from those that are far more advanced that me! We did manage to catch the end of the session before we nearly missed the cake break.
The cake sponsored by Party popteenies was delicious as always and went down really well with the prosecco provided by The Co-op. During the cake break we had a chat with one of the speakers of the day which was non other than Alex Winters former Cbeebies presenter. Such a lovely bloke!
The last talk of the day I decided to head to how to write a book! Now I have no idea what I would write however I think the idea of writing a book a great goal to achieve! I thought this talk may give me a little inspiration which it has so watch this space!
Raffle Time
The end of the day is the best event! The raffle. We won a couple of prizes but some walked out with armfuls the raffle consisted of all the prizes from the toy awards which us blogger had voted on throughout the day! it was an epic haul I have to say!
Meeting A Celeb
Both me and Spencer’s ARC daddy (who I think just tagged along for the prosecco and the selfie with another cbeebies celeb.) had a great day and are now looking forward to booking for the May conference too!
See you all in at the next one.
Nina x