Wicked Wednesday 21.09.16

This morning M asked if she could go downstairs and start getting her breakfast I said yes. Everything is in a cupboard that she can reach. Why not. 

I went to wake up J and headed downstairs. To find this …


She had climbed on the cupboard and got a glass for her juice. 

This face says it all. 

Obviously I took a photo before I got her off the counter. 

Why is it I struggle to tell her off. 

If J had have done this I’d have shouted at him. 

I often feel M is a lot more advanced than J she looks at a situation and learns what she needs to do to be safe. With J it’s trial and error. So Often it’s J that gets told of as he’s doing things that I feel are not safe. 

When M does something I feel more disappointed with her as it’s rare. 

So this morning when I found her on the worktop I was shocked but i almost knew she would have climed safely. 

This post is linked up with 

Brummy Mummy Of 2’s #wickedwednesday 



  1. 21st September 2016 / 11:36

    They;re cheeky those climbers! I have one of those!!

  2. 21st September 2016 / 19:35

    hahaha! She looks so pleased with herself….lol

    • 21st September 2016 / 19:52

      Hmmmmm Yes she does Little monkey. X

  3. 21st September 2016 / 22:28

    I would struggle to tell that cutie off too! Very sweet photo. #wickedwednesdays

  4. 22nd September 2016 / 06:00

    You can’t be annoyed with that cute cheeky face!!! #wickedwednesday

  5. 22nd September 2016 / 09:11

    Ah the classic look of achieving a climb but knowing you kind of shouldn’t but IG doesn’t matter. Lol. My two still do this. #wickedwednesday

  6. 22nd September 2016 / 15:28

    So cute and what a really love kitchen!!! Thanks so much for linking up to Wicked Wednesdays and I can’t wait to see you next week! x

    • 23rd September 2016 / 06:51

      Thank you. It’s really only that corner that’s lovely the rest of the kitchen was filled with junk & bits of dried play doh 😉 See you next time! X

  7. 22nd September 2016 / 21:27

    Aww, I can see how it’ll be hard to tell off that cute face!!

    • 23rd September 2016 / 06:53

      She is pretty cute. But then I’m bias. 🙂

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