Wicked Wednesday – Is It worth The effort? 

On Sunday we went to the new splash pool in our town. 

It was a treat for the kids. We arrived and They were really excited. I put on thier swimming gear and covered them in sunscreen  and off they went. 

I was just starting to relax and praise myself for surprising my munchkins with this treat when……

(Insert Whiney voice) “Mummy I don’t want to stay here” “mummy I’m cold” ” I want an ice cream” 

Aghhhh we had been there less than 10 mins. 

You know when you think something is a good idea but getting out of the house was stressful enough. Then you arrive and think it was all worth it. Well yeh for 5 mins maybe. 

I got them dressed again they had a little play on the dry play park then we headed for the icecream van. Then to the shop to pick up a little picnic. 

After this they were ready to go back in the splash area. 

Do you know what they loved it this time around.

Maybe it was worth it after all. 

Thins post is linked on Brummy Mummy of 2’s #wickedwednesday 



  1. 10th August 2016 / 11:09

    I’m glad they ended up enjoying their time at the splash park in the end. Xx #wickedwednesday

  2. Soppymum
    10th August 2016 / 14:23

    Haha, at least you had fun in the end. Even if you did have to take the scenic route to get there! #wickedwednesday

    • 10th August 2016 / 21:57

      Scenic route sometimes the best! 😉 X

  3. 10th August 2016 / 17:49

    Well it at least turned out okay #wickedwednesdays

    • 10th August 2016 / 21:55

      They just like to test us parents I think 🙂 x

  4. 10th August 2016 / 20:13

    hehehe! I’m glad they enjoyed it in the end x

    • 10th August 2016 / 21:54

      Yes. We may even atempt another day out tomorrow 😉 x

  5. 11th August 2016 / 15:41

    Haha they both look cute while eating! Maybe just nervous the first time and after a meal everything is better =) #wickedwednesdays

    • 11th August 2016 / 19:13

      Yes. Though It was busier later on. Which made me more nervous! 🙂 x

  6. 15th August 2016 / 10:34

    Things ALWAYS last five minutes with my pair of loons! Thanks so much for linking up to Wicked Wednesdays. I hope you are having a wonderful summer! See you this week! x

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