Blogger Life – Why You Should Attend Blogging Events.

Blogging life can feel a little lonely. I mean there are no midday chats in the work canteen (Well unless your a parenting blogger like me and have a chat with the toddler whose only conversation is the handful of words they have learnt like tractor, noooooo, eh, etc). Heading out and attending a blogging event can be so beneficial. There are a list of reasons why you should attend a blogging event.

Why You Should Attend Blogging Events

I’ve attended a number of Blogging events in the past few years from the Brit Mums Live to little local meet ups. I have attended BlogOn and the brand new Maven Connex which I am honoured to be speaking at in November .

So Why Attend

  • Learn – There are often opportunities to learn at the conferences There may be speakers that can teach you about SEO or ones that can show you some simple techniques to use your camera better.
  • Inspiration – Conferences will usually start with a Keynote speaker or Finish with a closing talk. These talks may not be about something you think relates to you. However they will still more than likely leave you inspired.
  • Goody Bags – Bloggers don’t normally get “free stuff”. A Lot of work can go into gifted reviews and sponsored posts. When you attend a blogging event you will more often than not receive a goody bag. There are usually some really great stuff in these bags, Sourced by the organisers. Although these are free it is courtesy to post a couple of pictures on your social pages. A bit of a thank you to the brand.
  • Friends – Sharing our lives online and blogging about a daily life we can often get chatting with people online. I have met some really lovely people online and now also in real life through attending blogging events. I have friends who we head out to wagamamas with, friends who we share things in common with.
  • Opportunities – PR companies and brand representatives will often attend these events and look for bloggers to connect with. I have had some good opportunities presented to me from attending events.
  • Fun -Wine and Cake – If none of the above have grabbed you there is always bubbly, cake and lots of fun to be had.

Attend That Event

I hope I have persuaded you into booking that ticket for an event.

You won’t be disappointed and you may even come away having so much inspiration for your blog that you can turn it into something amazing.

Nina x


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