Christmas Bucket List

It’s now only 11 weeks until Christmas and they will pass by before you know it!

I have loads of memories I’d like to make with my kids this Christmas This is a bucket list of activities I want to cross of over the festive season!

  1. Visit Santa – Obviously not the real one he is far too busy – The santa we visit is one of his helpers that check who os Naughty or Nice  and to report back to the Big Guy!10849939_10152929848753828_9186300613715935042_n
  2. Letters to Santa – When I was young I would write my letter to santa and then we would use magic dust and put it in the fire-place where is would whoosh up the chimney and then to santa’s desk!
  3.  Christmas Crafts – I have an extensive collection of pinterest pins for Christmas crafts to do with the kids. I’m looking forward to creating things with them this year.
  4. Ride The Christmas Train – A couple of years ago we went to Nene Vally to ride the Christmas Train. This year I have booked to have Breakfast on the train too!
  5. Polar Express Afternoon – Hot, Hot, Hot, Hot chocolate. popcorn, Blankets, & Polar Express – We might invite friends over too!
  6. Indoor Den – I want to build a den for the kids. a comfy den to have an afternoon snuggle with cushions and books!
  7. Christmas Photo Shoot – This year I would like to take some festive photos for christmas cards to send to family! – We didn’t do it last year!
  8. Choose a real Tree – In the Village next to us there is a little tree farm I visited with a friend last year. Each year I’ve said I’d like a real tree I think this year is the year!
  9. Game Night – We have loads of games name that tune, rapidough, scene it, but we never play them anymore. I would like to invite a few friends over put away the phones order some pizza and have a game night.
  10. Trim the tree This year my plan is to let the kids decorate a little on a weekend and then re trim while they are at school.
  11. Baking – I love mince pies and there is nothing more festive than a kitchen smelling of mincemeat. along with these last year I made cranberry muffins and mini christmas cake bites. Yummy 1508188_10152372685571326_6292729507167363877_n.jpg
  12. Christmas Cards – As J & M are now writing their own names I’m going to spend some time helping them to fill out cards for their friends.
  13. Lights Spotting – We love getting the kids in thier P’J’s,  making some snacks, getting in the car and heading out to drive around looking at the dispalys that have been created!



So that is my bucket list for this year – I hope it has given you some inspiration of what to do over the festive season!





12 Weeks of Christmas Series

  • 12 weeks of Christmas- Welcome




  1. 9th October 2016 / 18:11

    Ohh! What a great list….I am already so excited for Christmas!

    • 9th October 2016 / 18:18

      Me too. Ive already had my Christmas jumper on. Xx

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