Dreaming of .. Spring Wardrobe with FatFace

Although without a doubt my favourite time of year is Christmas, I can’t wait for spring/ Summer to arrive now. I’m longing to wear my flip flops. Not only does warmer weather mean less in the washing basket but for me this year Since having The summer twins & gallstones I have lost a bit of weight. Which brings an opportunity to update my wardrobe somewhat.

One of my favourite high street stores is FatFace. I love the style of their clothing, & the sizing is very generous.

I have a few things on my FatFace wish list at the moment. Here are a few of them.

I love this outfit its great for those cooler days!

What about these Ideal for getting back into sea swimming maybe even in the UK.

What about this outfit for school day style.

I could spend a months wages at FatFace Clothing but just for now I will be picking just a few things off my list.

Whats on your wish list?

Do you love FatFace as much as me?

Nina x

This post has not been sponsored in anyway I just really love the brand.


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