End of pregnancy Cuppa & Chat!

I will apologise now how before you start reading about how rambling this post is.

Back in May, I posted about my surprise twin pregnancy since then I have only really updated in one blog post and a few social media posts.

It’s not been an easy pregnancy emotionally.


I have suffered my mental health and coming to terms with the fact that this is again a twin pregnancy and all the things I won’t be able to do again with 2 babies.

I have suffered from bad hips, pelvis and sciatic nerve which has added to my poor mood.

I want to get back into my blogging and vlogging but during this pregnancy, I’ve lost my “voice” some what!

I’ve really not enjoyed this pregnancy – It hasn’t been what I thought! I have just felt like I didn’t want my blog to become somewhere just to rant about what a crap time I’m having especially as some would do anything to be pregnant at all.

Things outside pregnancy have been on hold due to not being able to walk or drive so I’ve not had anything else to talk to you about!

So that’s where I’ve been. Now my pregnancy is coming to an end and it looks like not in the way I wanted.

At my last scan twin 1 was breech and it looks like my placenta is covering my cervix which means the only safe way to deliver these babies is by another C Section this has now been booked and I have to prepare mentally for.

Last time I went along with whatever the medical professionals said or planned this time I would like to have a bit of a birth plan.

I want the skin to skin time when they are first born – last time I was shown them then they were taken away.

There are a few things that I would like to ask about this time around. I have blocked a lot out from last time.

This time I hope that hubby can take a few photos so that I can remember.

Let’s try and end this pregnancy on a more positive note that it has been!

Sorry I did say this post may be a bit rambley

I hope now I’ve got this all out I can find my words again and start blogging on a regular basis.




  1. 15th August 2017 / 18:42

    It sounds like you have had a really rough time of it…Sending love and hugs. I hope everything goes well with the birth. Wishing you the best of luck. x

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