Pointless Travel Edition – A Review

Last week we went away to the Norfolk countryside for a family holiday on the Saturday evening we had an impromptu BBQ. While we were eating we had a game of Pointless the travel edition that I took with us.

Since the new set of twins have been born I love sitting down before dinner in the week with a cuppa and feeding the babies with my mum and joining in with the pointless game on tv.


The game is simple really you have to guess from a multiple choice the answer with the least amount of points.

This travel game is great for holidays like ours as it can just be chucked into your handbag.

So often now people are on their phone even at meal times.

This game made us actually talk to one another, laughing and joking about how little we all knew.

Grandad even said this was a great game for great family fun even though he had never heard of the game before and we ha to explain a couple of times before he got the gist of it (the questions are not really suitable for young children but older ones with a good general knowledge would be ok.)

This game has loads of questions contained in it so I think will last us a good amount of family dinners.

The game also comes in a full sized board game edition that has a free to download app that you can instal on your phone to give you the electronic score board just like the one on the tv program.


I think this is a great game for evening entertainment.

If you love a quiz then this is for you!

Nina xx

*I was gifted this product however all my views are my own


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