February Plans.

There’s so many plans being made at Spencer’s ARC this month. So many trips to be made and things to be done.

It was a little to much for my little square on instagram so I thought I’d let you know over here instead.

So what’s happening in February?

  • Well first of all as per my blog this morning we have a lot of recovering to do what with my op, nanny’s Sue’s flu & the babies chicken pox.
  • It’s my Nephews birthday this month. And in our friendship group one of the girls turns 7 and she’s having a bowling party so we have at least one party and one play date.
  • It’s shrove Tuesday (pancake day) this month so no doubt I’ll be cooking a million pancakes with at least 4 different toppings. If I’m feeling up to it we might have a bit of a pancake party.
  • Me & Spencer’s ARC Daddy are off on a date night to see Jason Manford at Sheffield City Hall. The tickets Came this week and to be honest I’d completely forgotten about it until I opened them.
  • We have half term – where we plan on a trip to see the Tim Peak exhibition at the National Railway Museum in York. You can actually take a look inside Tim Peaks capsule., learn to become an astronaut, and code the launch of a rocket.
  • We really need a trip to the seaside this month. I love the sea, and I’ve really missed it. I don’t think we’ve even seen the seaside since August last year.
  • I think Spencer’s ARC Daddy has another trip away this month too so we may have another solo parenting week coming up too.

That’s pretty much it apart from more planning for our new adventures and for me working on my blog a little more.

What plans do you have for February?

What do you plan to do in the Half term holidays?

Nina x


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