Fitness Friday – Feeling Fluttery

Good Evening,


I last weeks post I said i was going to put up a vlog on how I got on with my yoga – This is a big fat fail.

I did have 3 days of doing my yoga in a morning but time just runs away with me.

We’ve had a few upsets this week a couple I’ve vlogged about (Video Due Monday)

And a couple I’ve not really spoke about.


Fitness wise here is where I am –

I have been swimming 3 time this past week and done on average 6000 steps

I have also started with a better diet. cutting out a lot of rubbish.

Apart from a little niggle I’m having with flutters in my chest that I think are part of my anxiety I feel a little healthier as I write this! (I have been to drs and I’m awaiting a 24 ecg monitor)

Next weeks goals

Average of 8000 steps through the week

Swim three times

Get outside more!

This weekly blog is not only for my physical fitness but my mental fitness to!

So I have also started listing 3 things I am grateful for each day in a journal. I have only started a  couple of days a go but I want to keep this up next week also!

Sorry I haven’t really words of inspiration for you this week but I hope it might help you to know that we all have off days!




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