Fitness Friday – Getting on track before 40 &  ECG results 

Last week I told you that i was off for a 24 hour ECG Monitor. The results came back that my heart is normal. I just have extra beats which most people have but don’t feel. As my anxity is high lately I am feeling more. 
The doctor did say it’s most common in athletes. – they do say stress & anxiety can put your body through the strains athletes go through. Without the benifits of being fit! 
she said if I was fitter it may decrease and I may see an improvement with my anxiety as excersize is a good way to beat some mental issues. 
Now. I’ve just been reading about getting fit and staying in shape when your 40. 
When we turn 40 our ability to lose weight decreases I turned 36 in July so the wrong side of my 30’s. 
I need to change my fitness levels and body shape before I turn 40 because if I’m finding it hard now chances are it will be even harder once 40 hits!  
So the kids are back at school next week and here is my plan! 
Some of the mums walk one morning a week. – I’m hopeing I can join them. 

Three times a week – I’m going to head to the gym for 30 mins in the gym and 30 mins in the pool. 

Meals will be planned so that takeouts and prossesd foods are limited. 

Get rid of my phone at bed time & in a morning. – Morning scrolling through social media can be replaced with yoga. 

Nighttime blogging can be replaced with meditation & sleep. – using phones before sleep affect the quality of sleep making you still feel tired when you wake. It decreases melatonin that our brain needs to sleep well & boost wellbeing. 

I’ll check back with you all in two weeks and let you know how I get on. 


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