Football mum. Half Term Football Camp.

I’ve never seen myself as a football mum. We are often out and about at weekends so we don’t like to commit to things that would take away our family time.

Training Time

However when Jake came home with a leaflet for the local under 7s team and then begged to let me go I rang them.

Unfortunately the squad was full however they said he could still train with them.

For a while both him and Melody decided they would train. So my Thursday evenings were taken up by football. Something which I never thought about before. But It’s a win win really as we still got weekends as family time while they still got to play during the week.

Football Mad

I’ve no idea where that new passion came from the only football we really watch is the England games for the euros and the World Cup. So being a football mum is quite a step for me.

Don’t get me wrong, when I was younger I had a crush on Giggsy so obviously supported Manchester United. “Come on you reds”. Now here I am football mum to maybe the future crush to some poor girls never to get a look in.

Please leave me some tips for a newbie football mum. I feel I’m out of my depth somewhat.

Do I sit on the sidelines and shout or just keep quiet?

Do I take oranges for half time or is that a thing of the past?

Nina x

Now. If your little ones are football mad like mine apparently are. Or you fancy doing something different with your October half term why not book them in for some FA qualified coaching provided by “Shooting Stars”

Hotel Football

Hotel Football are running their second football camp through the Half Term

The first opened by hotel co owner and former Manchester United star Phil Neville one was such a hit in the summer that they have decided to bring it back for the autumn.

This looks an amazing opportunity to learn some new skills, and to meet new friends.

Unfortunately my two are a little young this year for it however if this new found passion for football continues I think I might sign them up next year.

Heck if I was within the range I might sign up myself. Listen to this.

Breakfast For Champs

The children will revive a breakfast on arrival with a two course buffet for lunch.

They also receive a sticker book, stickers, a certificate and for those that attend all week a medal of attendance.

During the day children will learn all the basics of the game by doing drills as well as games. Afterwards they then will get to take part in a mini tournament.

Hotel Football October half term football Camp is suitable for boys and aged 7-12 years old.

It is based at Heaven – the rooftop terrace pitch inside Hotel Football.

There is a panoramic views of the Salford Quays and of course The Old Trafford ground

For a day at the camp it is £40 per child with a 25% discount if. Booking for the week making the total for the week only £120. Which for a holiday club is an excellent price.

If you aren’t local to Manchester and Hotel Football do not worry. The hotel gave it covered.

They are also offering a limited number of Stay & Play packages which combines the price of the camp with a stay at one of the amazing rooms with the hotel.

For more details and to book

Already sold on the idea head over to book

For more information

Contact Hotel Football: 0161 751 0430

Email Hotel Football:


Hotel Football


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