“House Love” – Kitchen / Utility Mood Board – With VELUX Blinds


We bought our house along with a business from my my Laws, It was very much a house to work from rather than a home that I fell in love with.

My husband has lived there since he was a boy and worked here for the family business when he grew up!

When we moved in we started making it ours straight away by updating the kitchen but after 10 years (a  business that’s now closed, two rabbits that have come and gone, two dogs that have come and gone and now two children that have come and… No wait they are still here and are not going anywhere for at least another 14 years probably.) we are still trying updating.

Recently we have installed a downstairs bathroom and the next project will be replacing a tired conservatory that is on its last legs. We use this area as a walk through but also a utility area.

When My In laws moved in over 20 years ago the conservatory as is now was and old bus shelter that was put up as a make do!

I have been thinking of ways to make this space a little more usable and a nicer place to enter. Although its our back door its where everyone seems to come to!

I love the idea of having roof windows as you can see its just a wooden roof at the moment.

I used to live in a house in Whitby and my bedroom and landing had roof windows Like the ones from VELUX.
I loved them It gave a lot more light into what could have been quite a dull room!

Maybe built in appliances to match my kitchen that leads off from my conservatory.
Then It would obviously need some finishing touches.
Plants, fresh flowers a couple of pictures hanging some blinds for the windows.
Are you still with me I started day dream a little then sorry!

I have took to Pinterest to give me a little inspiration for my new project and come up with a mood board of sorts to get me started!


https-%2F%2Fwww.veluxblindsdirect.co.uk%2F (1).jpg


Are you planning any home projects what do you use to help you plan?

Do you cut up mags or use Pinterest?

Have you moved in somewhere that has took you as long to update as us?

Right I’m off to book the builder




This post was in collaboration with VELUX  Blinds

All Photos used in my mood board are credit to VELUX VELUX Blinds and Pinterest




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