Gap Year Home Education Adventures

A while back I thought about Home Schooling the twins.

It would mean we would be able to go away during term time.

It would mean more one to one time with each child.

It would mean I would be responsible for them 24hrs a day

I researched and researched about how to home educate, The laws involved etc.


I then told hubby my thoughts to which he replied You want to home school our kids? But during summer holidays all you want to do is send them back to school.

I get his point I really do. And yeh some ok most of the time I get a week into school holidays and I’m ready to send them back.

However When “I nearly died” (This is sort of an over used phrase by me at the min) I reevaluated a-lot in our lives. I thought about the fact I had not spent enough quality time with the big twins.

So it the start of the Easter Holidays for schools across the land yet we are embarking on what I like to call our “Gap Year”

I may still get a week into this new adventure and decide its not for us. I may get bored after some time. The kids may not like me being “teacher” but if I dont try I’ll regret it.

So calling it a gap year at least if we get a few months down the line and find out its not for us we can change our minds and go back to school without regret.

Our plans at the moment include travelling around as much as we can.

Visiting different places in the UK and Europe.

Packing in day trips, long weekends, trips with daddy to places he goes to work.

We’ve all now got our passports, a national trust membership, a family & Friends rail card and lots of work books to keep up with maths and english studies.

We will be learning as we go. creating projects from places we visit.


I hope this works out for all of us and we become a stronger unit because of it.

Join us on our gap year educational adventures over on instagram and here on the blog.

Are you a home educator?  Can you give us any tips?  Would you be interested in meeting up?


Nina x




  1. 6th April 2018 / 06:58

    You can do it! We’ve been doing it for ten years, four kids, travelled all over the world and are now building a homestead in southwest Canada. You can totally do it. And you will not look back.

    • 6th April 2018 / 07:00

      Thankyou. Wow ten years. I suppose it’s always hard at first settling in to new routines and a different way of living. Xxx

        • 6th April 2018 / 07:07

          Cause you do indeed need to learn how to live with your kiddos, learn to have space and distance and engage in ways that makes everyone happy.

          But you figure it out if you want to.

          • 6th April 2018 / 07:19

            Thankyou. Brilliant advise. Xx

      • 6th April 2018 / 07:06

        However I have finally leaned into the idea that the real challenge is parenting, not homeschooling. And I’ve been a parent 17 years. Let go of control. Cause you learn you never had it in the first place anyway. It’s all an illusion. And enjoy the ride.
        (Homeschooling def gives you more time and opportunity to enjoy the ride).

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