Goals & plans. 

So it’s that time of the year. 

The first day of the year. 

Resolutions and goals  have been made and people all over are signing up to gym memberships they will only use once. 

There are people throwing Ciggys in the bin only to fish them back out later when the kids are doing their heads in. The alcohol has been poured down the sink. All apart from that trifle sherry at the back of the cupboard that you know you’ll regret drinking later. 

I this year am doing away with resolutions and sticking to my goals list. 

Work goals 

I would love to call my blogging & vlogging my work  so one of my goals is to be more disciplined with my blog. Connect and contact more brands & companies for opportunities. 


I volunteer at the theatre and I love it. I love the buzz of working back stage on a show night but as a mum of two small children and a wife to a geek who often works away it’s not really an option to make this my career. So whenever I have the opportunity I am going to continue volunteering at my local theatre. 


The past few years I have let my health slip. It’s hard to consentrate on yourself and look after two tiny humans at the same time. So this year I’m making it a priority. This is not just my physical health but most importantly for me my mental health. 


I would like to develop my relationships with my family not just as mother & child/ren but as a wife & stepmum and as a daughter to my mum. 


Ive mentioned my mental health above but I think al good portion of this can be lack of me time. I need to get better at giving my self breaks not just from being mum, wife but from social media & screens. I need to start giving myself time to craft or meditate. 

The past year we have lived pay packet to pay packet. Often worring if we had enough at the end of he month. This year I need to get better at budgeting and finding deals living a little more frugally. 

Clutter free 

I often blame the fact that we are a house where 5 year old twins live on all the clutter in the house. This year I need to get rid of some of the clutter. It’s not good for anyone’s mental health. It’s not good for the children who have some much stuff they don’t know what to play with. 
So that’s my goals for the year. What are yours? Do you make resolutions? 

Hit that follow button to see how I get on with all of these goals. 

I will also be making videos on out some of my goals during January over on my YouTube channel. So head over there too and hit subscribe. 

See you next time. 

Nina x 

“Any journey can be an adventure if your on it with the right people.”



  1. 6th January 2017 / 20:00

    Happy new year! It’s great to have some goals at the start of the year, yours are great, I to need to be more frugal too as have just left nursing to become self employed. I’m also very very new to blogging so would like to focus on that a lot this year. I will definitely be following your blog xx

    • 6th January 2017 / 23:58

      Ahh thanks. I’ve just finished panto so now it’s time to get on with working on my goals x

  2. 6th January 2017 / 20:03

    Happy new year! Those are some great goals for 2017. I would also like to live more frugally as have just left nursing to go self employed. I’m also very very new to blogging so would like to make that a goal for 2017 too. I will definitely be following your blog x

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