Grateful Sunday!

This week I decided to start a daily gratitude list.


I have done it before both on my own and as a family – We would send our list to each other (Myself Hubby & Stepson) via our family messenger group! It really helped especially when hubby worked away and with stepson only being here at weekends anyway!

Gratitude lists or journals can really benefit your mental health. They help you focus on the good things of the day, give you 5 – 10 minutes of calm, and when you’re having a bad day you can look back and see all the good things you have written in the past!

To keep me accountable for writing out my list I will post a few of the top things I’ve been grateful for each week!

My List for Sunday 29th October 2017 

  • Being half term I have been able to spend some quality time with the big Twins 
  • My New cord dress ( I think it may become my fave outfit!)
  • Great friends that live nearby
  • My Mum (AKA Nanny Sue) Giving me a break from the midnight feed so I could catch up on sleep. I think she may feature a lot in these lists! 
  • My Hubby for being home when he can
  • Our garden – Hubby Pushed himself over the summer to create an amazing space for our family 
  • Family cinema Night – We watched Polar Express, I made hot Chocolate, & We had popcorn

Nina x


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