October Half Term Bucket List 2017

Just one More week of school and its half term again!

As I was indisposed during most of the Summer holidays  I plan on making the most of this Half Term.

There are loads of things I want to do but I will still be recovering so I’m aware I need to not do too much.

I plan on utilising the grandparents for the small twins while I try and get a bit of quality time with the big two.

  • Pumpkin Picking – There is a farm nearby that has activities to do like a bouncy castle, tractor ride and more. It looks like a great activity for me and the big two to do!
  • Film Afternoon – I think we might have an afternoon snuggled on the couch watching a couple of dare I say Christmas films!
  • Craft – I have bought some craft supplies to make some Christmas cards I saw on Pinterest. I think I might buy a roll of kraft paper too and make some gift wrap!
  • Kite Flying – I think we will take a walk to the park on a blustery day and take our mini kites.
  • Baking  – M has asked if we can do some baking so we might have a go at something halloweeny!
  • Soft Play – J has asked to go to a big soft play with a big slide! I’m not sure if we will make it to the one he is thinking of but we might get to the local one during the week when I need a bit of a rest & decent coffee!

Here is what we got up to last year at October Half Term!

Let me know what your up to this Half Term

Nina x


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