Half Term Bucket List

So the kids are off again next week. One whole week off. so I need to find some way to entertain them for the 5 days.



I’m lone parenting too for the first few days as Hubby is working away!

  • Soft Play – I keep seeing vlogs of a fab soft play chain! I have found our nearest one and I am planning a trip there one day in the week.
  • Craft Day – I still haven’t gone through the Squiggle Dot Squeeze box with the kids So I’m planning a day to get crafty with the kids.
  • Pottery Painting – A local company are holding a Halloween Event with pottery painting and Fancy Dress competition So we are heading to this!
  • Movie Night – Im planning a movie night for me and the kids with popcorn using our new popcorn machine. Nachos, Pizza and milkshakes.
  • Garden Centre Visit – When my nan was alive we used to have trips to all the garden centres around us looking at the christmas displays and inevitably coming home with bags of stuff that i dint really need!
  • Baking – Id like to get in the kitchen with the kids this half term, things im thinking of include carrot cake, Chocolate apples, pizza whirls and more.
  • Halloween Party – So this year we are hosting a halloween party. Hopefully the weather will be good and we can have a BBQ and mingle outside.

So thats my plan for the week!

I am hoping to upload a vlog each day around 8pm of what we get up to each day I would love you to come join me on youtube!

Do you have plans for the week ahead?

Here is a video i did a while back with a few tips for holidays





  1. 20th October 2016 / 19:19

    It is great to plan ahead and have structure. Less like to stress over entertaining little ones. Some top ideas as well X #ablogginggoodtime

    • 20th October 2016 / 19:24

      Thanks. I would plan each day but I’m also waiting on a funeral day for an old friend. :-/

  2. 20th October 2016 / 19:46

    It sounds like you have some fantastic plans. Have a great half term.

    • 20th October 2016 / 19:50

      Thanks. Don’t forget to check out my daily vlogs to catch what we get up to!x

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