Have I missed something?

26 weeks pregnant with our second set of twins, I read a post about the last time you pick up your baby or have them on your lap. 

While I’ve been pregnant I’ve not been able to lift up my (5 year old) babies. And my ever growing belly means no one can fit in my lap. 
When the new twins arrive and I can start picking up my first twins how much will they have grown. Will I still be able to lift thier weight? Will they have grown that much they no longer need me to pick them up?? Reading that blog post I can feel the tears pang of the things I’ve missed while being pregnant. 

The times that daddy has carried them to bed because I simply couldn’t lift them.  

Lifting them to see over a fence. Because on the other side is something special but ordinary. 

I feel like I’ve  missed a lot this pregnancy and feel that when these new babies are here I really need to make up some time with the first set. 




  1. The Squirmy Popple
    15th June 2017 / 21:27

    I can’t imagine having two sets of twins! You’re going to have your hands full – literally! Don’t worry about not being able to lift them up – there are so many other ways that you can show love and affection. #stayclassymama

    • 15th June 2017 / 21:29

      Ah thanks so much. Yep, definitely have my hands full x

  2. 16th June 2017 / 00:19

    Wow, two sets of twins is immense! I’m deeply in awe, and I can’t imagine how you must be getting through the days… Hats of to you mama!! #stayclassymama

    • 16th June 2017 / 01:41

      Every day at a time! To be honest the days seem long & painful but the weeks are flying by. X thanks x

  3. 16th June 2017 / 11:19

    holy moly, two sets wow but they are gorgeous aren’t they when they sleep. All the best with pregnancy X

  4. 17th June 2017 / 15:36

    Two sets of twins??? You will certainly have your hands full when they arrive. I wouldn’t worry too much. I’m sure your 5 year olds can understand how difficult picking them up is and I’m sure they know you love them as much as always. Thank you for sharing with #StayClassymama

    • 17th June 2017 / 15:58

      Ah thanks. Xx yes it’s going to be an adventure

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