Highs & Lows of 2017 – Blogger Tag!


This year has been a really big year for our family. A bit of an emotional rollercoaster.

Sometimes it’s good to reflect on the year before you turn the page to start the next.

I came across this post by Katie On Thin Ice and thought I would join in with the tag.

1. What was your happiest event? It was the day I looked at my baby twins and thought you know what. You’ve actually saved me. They are making me a better person.

2. What was the saddest thing to happen? Being told I had placenta percreta and I had to have a huge operation to get my babies out and save my life.

3. What was the most unlikely thing to happen that actually went ahead and did?. We got pregnant. Well technically we got pregnant at the end of 2016, however, found out in January then found out it was another set of twins!!

4. Who let you down? I don’t think anyone really, some of the sonographers missed my low placenta , however had I been diagnosed with my placenta issues earlier I’d have spent most of the pregnancy worrying.

5. Who supported you? First and foremost my husband who stayed with me Day and night at the hospital while I was going through my op and the before & after of the op. Also my children for being so strong and cuddling me when I feel down cheering me up and drawing pictures and writing little notes for me, Ruth my amazing anaesthetist. The rest of my family and of course my very supportive friends.

6. Tell us what you learned. That I am strong, I can do difficult things, and some things in life are more important than others!

7. Tell us what made you laugh My children. Some days they have made me cry with laughter.

8. Tell us the things that made you cry. Pregnancy, finding out I was having another set of twins, the pending operation, then a second op, tiredness, gallstone pain.

9. Tell us three things your child or children did to make you feel proud. Please miss this question out if you are not a parent. (Not really three things) My big Girl has made me proud most of the year by her strength she has had during my pregnancy & while I was in hospital. My boy has made me proud with how he has come on in his school work.

10. Tell us the things that made you proud of yourself. Getting through one of the toughest births.

11. Tell us the challenges you overcame. Again it’s all about my the birth of the twins. And for years I’ve need to eat more healthy. Well this year after the birth of the twins I developed gallstones. This has made me eat more healthy. I think it’s now going to be part of my lifestyle to eat better.

12. Tell us the things you would like to change about your life in 2018. I just want to be more present in the day to day. Enjoy all of my children and my husband. And make 2018 one of adventures.

1. What was your happiest event?

2. What was the saddest thing to happen?

3. What was the most unlikely thing to happen that actually went ahead and did?.

4. Who let you down?

5. Who supported you?

6. Tell us what you learned.

7. Tell us what made you laugh

8. Tell us the things that made you cry

9. Tell us three things your child or children did to make you feel proud. Please miss this question out if you are not a parent.

10. Tell us the things that made you proud of yourself.

11. Tell us the challenges you overcame

12. Tell us the things you would like to change about your life in 2018

Now it’s over to you, If you are a blogger feel free to copy the questions,  please remember to tag myself and Katie on Thin Ice

I’m tagging fellow bloggers 

Mummy and The Mexicans 

The Unnatural Mother

Mummy To Dex 

Readaraptor Hatchling 

The Smallest of Things

All About Mummy

The Queen Of Collage

Wishes and Wellies 

A Beautiful Space 

The Mamma Fairy 

Love, Maise 

New Mummy Blog

Tippy Tups 

How to take part in the tag and the rules.

Copy and paste the questions below and answer them on your blog linking back to this post, please.


1 Thank the person who nominated you and link back to their blog and https://kateonthinice.com

2 Answer the questions

3 Tag to take part 5 or more bloggers asking them to take part and let them know on social media

4 Post the questions without your answers at the bottom of your post so that they are easy to copy and paste for the people you tag

Nina x


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