Family Adventures On The Isle Of Wight. | Family Time Put Simply

An Isle Of Wight Family Holiday Has been on my bucket list for a while.

We bundled everyone in the car and took the 200 plus mile road trip to the South Coast. We stopped off at Hayling Island for a couple of nights before heading to The Isle Of wight.

This year we are trying to cut back on splurging on lots of things. Sometimes when we are on holiday we can spend pounds and pounds just on eating out and visiting Different attractions! Our biggest expense this trip was fuel!

We started with a couple of days in Hayling Island with a short trip to Portsmouth. There we had booked a trip to the Spinnaker Tower. I was apprehensive of this trip as I’m not great with heights. I was pleasantly surprised that I managed to put my fear to the back of my mind.

Old Fashioned Fun

Most of our days on the island were spent by the beach or geocaching.

Sandy Toes & Salty Kisses

We visited quite a few beaches and coves while we were there. It was the dream. I love beach days.

Some our my favorite are:

Sandown Beach

– This is a beach great for building sandcastles and digging holes. There are lots of lovely cafes and restaurants dotted along too great for a cuppa or an ice-cream. This is the longest we’ve spent at the beach all holiday. The kids loved digging and running to the waters edge to fetch more water for sandcastle building. The little two love rolling around in the sand too. I have to say though the sand is quite yellow (and stains) so dont put your kids in their best white outfits.

Steep Hill Cove

  • This is my new favourite place. Its such a pretty little cove. Its a rocky beach and there are huge rocks which are great for climbing, but obviously be careful as they can be slippy. There is a lovely little coffee shop that we tried Unfortunately there wasn’t much open on the day we went as it wasn’t quite their season however there are a couple of places to eat there and a few holiday houses to rent (Which we may have to have a look at next time!)

Ryde Beach

  • The Beach is the first one we went to its a lovely little beach for playing in the sand. There are lots amenities and there is even a little play park right next to the beach.

Bembridge Beach –

One thing on my bucket list that never got ticked off was a beach breakfast on this beach! Apparently the sunrise is amazing from here with its overhanging trees and driftwood dotted around. again like most of the bays we saw its a pebbly beach. But dont let that deter you from visiting. There are trees for the kids to climb and even my little twin loved playing with the stones. There is the lifeboat jetty to walk down too.

Colwell Bay

  • – This was on my list for one reason only and that was to go for a cuppa at the stylish The Hut. this place didn’t disappoint. there wasn’t really a beach when we got there but never the less the kids enjoyed playing chicken with the waves and the cuppa we had was very nice I just wish we had gone on a brighter day!


: Although this technically wasn’t a beach me and the big two had a great time learning to skim stones into the sea from a little bit of pebbly shoreline. These are moments I remember from my childhood. It really took me back to my dad trying to teach me as a child. I can still only make the pebble bounce twice.


We tried to be as frugal as possible on our Isle Of Wight Family Holiday so each day we packed a little picnic and we would either take it to the beach with us or we would sit in the car parked somewhere with a view and eat it.

Of course not all our time was spent at the beach and while the babies had a nap in the back of the car we would have a little drive around looking for Geocaches.

This is such a great way to see new places that you probably wouldn’t have visited otherwise. The kids loved looking for treasures. There are loads on the Isle Of Wight too.

I will post some of our not so frugal adventures in separate posts over the coming weeks.

We also visited the Needles, Tapnell Farm park, The Garlic Farm and as I said at the beginning of the post we also visited Spinnaker Tower in Portsmouth before we got to our Isle Of Wight adventure.

Have you been to The Isle Of Wight? What is you favourite frugal thing to do on holiday?

If you want to take a look at where we went Just scroll in on the map below!

I love reading your comments it make me feel like a part of a community I would love for you to also head over to our youtube channel and take at look at some of our vlogs. Meanwhile here is our Isle Of Wight Family Holiday Vlog

Nina x



  1. 30th April 2021 / 06:48

    We took the kids on a walk to Tennyson’s Monument near Freshwater Bay, but it was so foggy we couldn’t see the edge of the cliffs! Great fun.

    • Nina
      23rd August 2021 / 15:59

      Ahhh lovely x

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