May Word Of The Month

April’s word of the month was Dare. Dare to say yes, dare to take on home schooling.

Well a month has passed and we have been so busy home schooling.

I have said yes more and I have taken on things to improve my confidence

April felt like a busy crazy month.

It has taken its tole on me I think.

So this month my word of the month has to be actually two words – Self Care

I will write in another post ways I can practice a little self care in another post.

I have many many symptoms throughout my body that have come and gone since the babies came along.

Most of them are anxiety and stress.

I need to work out throughout the next month how I can self care more.

One of the things that will help is our upcoming trip to Norfolk. Our First Adventure as a family during our gap year!

Join me on instagram following the #spencersarcselfcare throughout May to see what I get up to to boost my wellbeing, eliminate my symptoms and hopefully reclaim my mojo!

What is your word of the month! do you have any plans throughout May?

Nina x


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