Meal Plan Monday – June 10th

Its time for another meal plan Monday. To be honest last week didn’t go quite according to plan.

There was no BBQ as the rain hit on Saturday. But for most of the week we were on plan!

Meal Plan Monday

Meal planning relives the stress after school of thinking what your going to make for dinner each day. There is nothing worse than getting to 4pm and realising you have no idea what to cook or that you have nothing in to cook.


Breakfasts dont really have a plan however I do like to have a few options for the week.

The kids usually opt for cereal and fruit on a school day. I often make a smoothie especially on days were I’m heading out for a swim.

The Littlest twins usually have a bowl of fruit and some cereal biscuits. Before their second breakfast after the school run of either crumpets, toast or fried egg.


Just myself and the little twins for most of this week.

Monday – Snack plate for little twins, Mug shot for me.

Tuesday – Chips Ham and cheese.

Wednesday – Salad plate

Thursday – Mug Shot for me. Picnic Plates for the little twins.

Friday – Coffee Shop Lunch

Saturday – I’m out at The Creative Blogging & Influencer Morning Cheltenham So I will be eating there. The Rest will end up eating at Grandmas I expect.

Sunday – Fathers Day Lunch.


On to our Dinner Plans. Dinner time is my most stressful time of the day. The kids are often hungry after school but if I give them snacks before dinner they often wont then eat their dinner. The little twins need their dinner quite early too so that they can settle ready for bed.

This Week I have decided to hop on the Hello Fresh band wagon. Right now new sign ups are half price. So instead of the full £54 I paid £27.

Meal Plan Monday

Monday – Creamy Ham Hock Penne – Hello Fresh

Tuesday – Speedy BBQ Sausages – Hello Fresh

Wednesday – Nuggets and chips – Myself & Spencer’s ARC Daddy are off out to the opening of a new Bar at Belvoir Castle.

Thursday – Lemon & Oregano Chicken – Hello Fresh

Friday – Peri Peri Fish Fingers – Hello Fresh

Saturday – If I’m back for dinner we will probably opt for an easy option like take out .

Sunday – Fathers Day BBQ? – Fingers crossed for better weather this weekend.

If you fancy your own half price meal box from Hello Fresh head on over and get £20 off

Dont forget I often post on my Instagram feed or in my stories the meals we are having and our daily adventures.

Nina x

Joining in with Katy Kicker – Meal Plan Linky



  1. 10th June 2019 / 13:05

    Great meal plan.
    All of your meals sound so good. I have heard good things about Hello Fresh!
    I hope you get your BBQ at the weekend x

    • Nina
      10th June 2019 / 13:16

      Thankyou I really hope so too. x

  2. 10th June 2019 / 13:07

    We lookedmat hello fresh so be interesting to hear how you get along. it just seemed a little expensive.

    • Nina
      10th June 2019 / 13:16

      Yes I think it would be at full price Ill let you know!

  3. 11th June 2019 / 11:00

    Crossing my fingers for you bbq day!! We have used hello fresh before, always very impressed

    • Nina
      11th June 2019 / 15:09

      Thank you Im so hoping for our BBQ.

  4. 12th June 2019 / 12:36

    Sounds like a delicious week. We have to eat quite early here too, as my husband is a shift worker, and I hate it so much sometimes as I’m starving by 8pm!

    Hope you have a great week and love the Hello Fresh box.

    • Nina
      14th June 2019 / 18:24

      Thanks it’s been a good week. X

  5. 13th June 2019 / 09:13

    Fingers crossed you manage a BBQ this weekend. We used to love Hello Fresh but it is so pricey if you do not have any discounts. Hope you have an amazing week

    • Nina
      14th June 2019 / 18:23

      It can be can’t it. Thanks lovely. X

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