Mummy Worries!

Last week I took the children for their first swimming lesson at the local swimming pool.

63961_10152812831478828_292065996094397559_nIt’s the first time they have been in the pool with only an instructor and other learners.

I had a lot of anxiety sat behind a window watching them fool around in the water. I swim, I love swimming and I know they need to learn but it doesn’t stop me worrying!

The teacher gets in the water with them. they seemed to enjoy their lesson I think it helped that a school friend of theirs was there too.  Talking to the school friends mum helped take my mind off of my anxiety.

I know that in the long run I will feel better knowing they can swim and get out of difficulty especially as we holiday on a small island and love our beach days.

I think the only thing we can do is teach our children how to respond to difficult situations and try to teach ourselves too!

Swimming is just one of the things I worry about as a mum.

Sat behind the window I could feel my heart leap every time they looked like they were falling. But do you know what they stayed upright.

I’m sure I’m never going to stop worrying about them and even if I get over the swimming worry there will be something else to worry about!

My anxiety doesn’t just stop at the children’s wellbeing I also worry about my own health! 

My heart often leaps when I find a new symptom and then I worry I worry its something worse than it is. I worry that if I go to the Drs I will be wasting their time! 

I think I’ve always had a little bit of anxiety, however when my children came it became more apparent. The responsibility of looking after them lies solely with me. Ok my husband has a responsibility too but I think as mothers we are the first call when things go wrong.

I have found some ways of coping with my anxiety and not letting it get me too down but sometime there is a blip! 

Thanks for listening

Nina x


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