November Word Of The Month

November is one more step closer to Christmas.  Not far away from a brand new year!

Its time for getting ready for the festive month ahead.

Copy of Clumber day out (3)

This months word is going to be ‘Gather’

Gather gifts ready for Christmas.

I have already bought and stored a few but I really want to get on top of buying gifts this year I hate it when I still have things to wrap on Christmas eve!

Gather thoughts to calm the anxiety that has been building over the past few weeks.

If you follow my instagram you will have seen that my anxiety has been making an appearance over the last few weeks. I really need to take some time to gather my thought, breath and be more mindful.

Gather with family to reconnect a little as this is something that has been lacking lately. Chris works so many hours and works away a quite a bit. when he gets home he is tired and stressed out from his work we need to take some time out together. I also think the big twins are feeling pushed out a little with the little twins taking up so much of our time. I also want to try and reconnect with them.

So gather is my word this month!

What  is your word for this month? what plans do you have for November? Leave a comment let me know.

Catch you soon

Nina x


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