Screen Free Tuesday #linky

Good Morning,

Welcome to my updated screen free linky

Ok so a month has gone by and I have to say I’ve struggled with trying to dedicate weekends as screen free!

I have however found ways to cut down screen free time throughout the week!

The kids have started full-time  back to school now and that means we have a brand new routine.

The past week I have cut out tv before J & Ms bedtime instead they are having half an hour tv or tablet time when they get in from school while I prepare dinner.

Then once its dinner time that’s it. We don’t have screens in a morning either.

So at a weekend we let them have tablet time in a morning while we try to have a little lie in.


So New linky rules


  • Link up a blog post of your choice either how you have had screen free time over the past week, tips for screen free time or activities to do during screen free time.
  • Link will be live 8am Tuesday – 8pm the following Monday
  • Posts should be your own work.
  • Only one post per person please.
  • It’s only fair that we share the linky love by commenting on at least two other posts.
  • I will feature one blogger each week in my post so unplug those cables & let’s have some screen free time.

Share your posts on Twitter or Instagram using the #screenfreetuesdays  @readyforacuppa I will try to comment & retweet each one



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