Sometimes I open my mouth and my Mother comes out!

OMG I’m turning into my mum


No I don’t mean the hairs that I constantly have to pluck from my chin, or that I look in the mirror and see my mum (Shit I actually do?) Those lines at the corner of my eyes! Where did they come from?

Nowadays your monthly salon visits aren’t for having highlights or a bright colour they are a necessity – I mean it’s not just a myth, if you pluck a grey hair 2 more will grow…. I must have plucked hundreds!

Coupled with this, sometimes you look around as you hear your mum say something only it wasn’t her – It was you! You opened your mouth and your mum came out!

Blue Twin had a strop the other day about wanting pudding and gave me such a filthy look.

“Don’t look at me in that tone of voice” I said

I had to stop myself carrying on with “It’s smells a funny colour”

Then it hit me – It’s not just this phrase, there are loads of things I say to my kids that, even as they leave my mouth, I cringe that it’s my mother talking!

When they are whining about something hurting just to get out of doing something – “But Mummmmy my (blank) hurrrrttttsss  – My reply “your bum will hurt in a min if you don’t (blank) “

Or what about?  “Because I said so!” Normally this in reply to a ‘why can’t I…’ question that you either are too tired to answer or don’t know why!

These are some more I remember my mum saying to me…

  • “If the wind changes you will stop like it”
  • “I want never gets”
  • “Are your legs broken? Well you can walk then!” – When wanting to be picked up!
  • “I’ll see” – Meaning nope no way not ever oh go on then!
  • In response to it’s not fair “no but it’s not raining”
  • “No I’m not going to sleep I’m just resting my eyes!”

I think I’ve already said all of these too.

Oh god!

Send the wine I think it’s too late for me I’ve already turned into my mum!

Run quick save yourselves

Have you turned into your Mum? What phrases do you say that your mum taught you?



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