Friday Morning Cuppa & A Chat. – Sometimes it takes a stranger …….

To realise how lucky you really are!!

(This post has been sat in my drafts. I thought it had been published. I wrote it back in September. )

Your family, & friends and people you know to say hello to down the street can tell you how well you are doing, how they can’t believe how well you look after all you’ve been through and how lucky you are to have two sets of twins.

However sometimes it takes a stranger to tell you how well you look and how lucky you are.

Last week we went to register the new babes. Then we sneaked for a cheeky coffee before heading back for hubby to do some work from his home office.

We sat in Costa and a lady behind me told me how she was admiring my twins. I told her the story that we had two more at home. She said wow you are amazing.

She asked how old both the sets are and I told her 5 and a half and just 5 weeks old. She said wow how are you even upright let alone out and about. She told me how lucky I was to have not just one set but two sets of twins. Many people have said this through my pregnancy and after their birth, however this time it felt different.

Her words really sunk in and I looked at our new set of twins and thought yeh you know what.

We are really blessed.

It took us 5 years to get our first set. 5 heartbreaking years of 2 week waits, negative pregnancy tests, medical professionals telling us our only hope was IVF.

Now we are blessed with 2 sets of twins. Yes, I’ve been to hell and back over the past couple of months, however, I’m alive and we have a family that’s going to make loads of memories.

We now have 5 children between us. And it feels amazing. Hard work but amazing.

So never underestimate the power your words have even to a stranger!

Thank you, stranger, for making me feel as lucky as everyone keeps telling me I am!!

Nina x


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