Summer Road Trip – Diary – Day Nine – Lost Gardens of Heligan, Par & Watergate Bay

Today was another trip to one of my must see places The Lost Gardens Of Heligan. The stunning gardens named due to them being lost after the war to a sea of brambles and ivy. Which were then discovered and restored in the 90’s and brought back to life to create this award winning public gardens.

We got up after quite a rough night due to the little people who keep waking in the night. the thing about being in a motorhome is the walls a very thin so when someone is screaming DO, DO at 2am it’s going to be heard through other neighbouring walls like the other campers and tents. It’s happened every night so far and makes me quite anxious to get to them quick and quiet them down.

Anyway i digress we got up and made our way to Heligan having breakfast when we parked up again so we knew that we could park. We were still quite late and arrived around 9.30 it opens at 10. Luckily we seemed more organised than other motorhomers (is that even a word?) and was first in the camper bays.

After our bacon butties we headed in now I think we should have taken the pushchair and and left it at the space that were more difficult to navigate as the amount the little two needed to be carried I am now sporting sore arm muscles. They have done really well again though to keep up as much as they have.

We only managed to get around a 3rd may be even only a quarter of the gardens but I knew I wanted to show the big twins the instafamous rope bridge and take them through the adventure walk where they could climb and jump around in the forest.

Once the jungle area had been explored we climbed back up the hill and to the playpark. where they found some more energy to climb the massive play fort and slide down the slide.

Just as we were preparing to leave and head to find a cream tea (I’ve not managed to find one yet I think there is a scone shortage) I felt a tap on my shoulder.

A lady who I have “followed” online since back when I found I was pregnant with twins the first time around was there for the day with her own twins. She has helped me quite a bit with some stories she shared of her own two. Her twins are an exact year older than mine.

It was so lovely to finally meet in person she seems so lovely and her twins are a credit to her and her husband.

If only I could find somewhere for a cream tea (and had more time here) we could have a proper natter.

Back in the bus as we have called it and on to find a little harbour. We got to Mevagissey but unfortunately there was no where to park so ended up at a beach side car park in Par.

By this time I was getting tired and the place just felt a little odd. It could have been such a beautiful beach area but the stream that led to the beach looked and smelled stagnant there was even a dead bird floating in it. It seemed like the water just wasn’t flowing enough. Once we got to the beach the shore line was littered with jellyfish. So instead we headed up to the pub to get my long awaited for cream tea.

Nope No scones left! Jeeze Can I not catch a break? Instead I ordered the kids some nuggets. I headed outside to the play area where unfortunately Chris had a work call he had to be on. As dinner arrived the smell from the dogs who had been to the toilet really put me off. For the first time I feel like I dont really like this place.

It’s time to head back, As soon as we headed west again I could feel my mood changing almost like certain areas had a better atmosphere. Another detour this time to watergate bay for me and Chris to get some dinner. The car park is full of campers and cars with surfboards strapped to them and handfuls of people in wetsuits.

Watergate Bay is a tiny little bay with a few restaurants and bars. most of which require booking as we found out. One place though had space. it was now heading to 9pm but we still managed some loaded nachos and the kids managed some ice cream. The afternoon saved by Nachos.

We got back to our site quite late but a least before the 11pm driving curfew.

On to day ten and it’s looking like a wet one!

Nina, Chris & The Kids x


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