Easter Bucket List

Today is the first day of the Easter half term for most people.

It is also Good Friday for some reason the holidays have started dead on Easter weekend which means there isn’t much time for easter crafting before Easter Sunday.


However There are a few Easterish type things I’d like to do with the kiddos over the net week or so.

  • Make Easter costumes.

Melody really wants to dress as the easter bunny and who am I to stop her?

  • Take part in Grandma’s Easter Egg hunt

Each year she invites the whole family around for an egg hunt in her garden and a buffet tea afterwards. Its great building these memories with the kids. Some of the family they wouldn’t really see otherwise.

  • Family Fun day at a local farm shop / cafe

We have only recently discovered this cafe. We went for Chris’s mum & Dads 50th wedding anniversary. Anyway the are holding a family fun day with crafts and food and characters so I thought we would head over and join in.

I thought if the weather is nice we could go along It might be quite nice to take the walk around the lake and feed the ducks on the way.

  • Easter themed worksheets

If the weather is as bad as it has predicted I dont want the kids on the I Pads all week so I’m going to print off some colouring sheets and word searches to keep them busy.

  • Cinema Trip

I want to see Peter Rabbit and I’m sure the kids do too! I have recently found out i can take the babies with me to the cinema too so that means I dont have to get anyone else to baby sit if I want to take the big two.

We have never yet been to Belton House but friends of ours say its amazing I want to make our first visit over the next couple of weeks with our new national trust membership.

  • Garden prep

I have some seeds that I need to start off so we really need to get this done over the next week too.

Thats just some of the activities I’m planning for over easter.

What are you up to?

Have you already broke up for your half term?


Nina x
