The BedTime Tag

So last week I was tagged by Baby Not Included in The Bedtime Tag

I’ve never really thought about my bedtime as being part of routine but I thought I would take a look and join in anyway!

Here goes…..


  • Describe your usual bedtime routine.

Lately, I have been going to bed at the same time as the kids. Daddy is often late home as he works all the way in London. Usually what happens is I make a cuppa for me and fill the kids water bottles head upstairs read in my bed with them then they go to their bed and I have a bath while watching YouTube or I grab a magazine and flick through that in my bed while I drink my decaf tea!

When hubby gets home We stick on something light Like not going out or Miranda Stick on a sleep timer and fall asleep!

  • What are your favourite pyjamas?

I love my Jammers that I bought just before Christmas they have pockets and are really comfy. I tend to wear them with a coordinating vest top or my But first coffee t.

  • What is your current bedtime reading?

I used to read books all the time but since having the twins I just can’t seem to get into them! I tend to pick up a magazine now at bed time!

  • What would I find on your bedside table?

I like to take my Vitamins at night so they are in my drawer , In November I was diagnosed with silent reflux so I have a bottle of Gaviscon and I have to take one 5ml spoon before laying down, a bottle of water to drink before I go to sleep and first thing after waking I have to hydrate in a morning or I can’t function! , my empty tea-cup, When I get to bed I remove my I watch, Pandora Bracelet & Glasses so they are also on my bedside.

  • What scent makes you sleepy?

Chamomile tea, I have a tea that’s blended to help promote sleep so now when I smell it, it makes me sleepy.

  • What is your usual bedtime and wakeup time?

I tend to go to bed around 7.30 / 8pm but sleep around 9.30 / 10pm. I hate these dark mornings but I try to wake up around 6.30 to give me a good half hour to have a cuppa before the kids wake up!

  • What are your top three bedtime products?

My Jammers, Sleepy time tea, and my jammers

  • What is your most common sleeping position?

I like to lay on my tummy with my left leg straight and my right leg bent up towards my tummy, my hands under my pillow!

  • Do you have anything you like to take to bed with you?

My cuppa!

  • What is your worst bedtime habit?

Like a lot of people, I think Its looking at my iPhone just before trying to sleep! Studies have shown that being on your phone increases dopamine, the same feel-good chemical that’s released from the brain when people take drugs or drink!

I really need to stop this addiction!

So that’s my bedtime, not really a routine but it is what it is! I think having looked at it wrote down like this I really need to shake my routine up a bit. there’s no wonder I don’t sleep very well!

Join in with the tag!

10 Questions

  1. Describe your usual bedtime routine.
  2. What are your favourite pyjamas?
  3. What is your current bedtime reading?
  4. What would I find on your bedside table?
  5. What scent makes you sleepy?
  6. What is your usual bedtime and wakeup time?
  7. What are your top three bedtime products?
  8. What is your most common sleeping position?
  9. Do you have anything you like to take to bed with you?
  10. What is your worst bedtime habit?


Step 1: Thank the person who nominated you, and link back to their blog.
Step 2: Display the Bedtime badge; which you can find at the top of this post. (save the picture)
Step 3: Answer the ten questions included above.
Step 5: Nominate between three and five fellow bloggers to take part, and set them the questions.

Fancy Taking part in this tag?

Why not answer the questions in a comment below!

I’d love to find out a bit more about this little community we have!

Nina x


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