Transition Day!

This morning I woke up full of excitement for my children. They have transition day. A day where they go up from nursery to the reception class they will be in come September.

I took them into school as usual and we did the morning activity as usual.

Then suddenly a wave of anxiety hit me and i could feel my eyes well up.

Whats wrong I though to myself, while I was trying to help J with his letter formations.


“They are growing up” I over heard one mum comment to another.

That’s it I thought they are growing up. I felt a little overwhelmed like the fact they are going to reception has just sneaked up on me!

My two know their new teacher and already feel comfortable with her. so I know they will be fine!

They have been doing full days at nursery for sometime to so I already know what to fill my time with.

It’s just the fact they are growing every single day. Sometimes  I see it, but sometimes it sneaks up on me like today.

Good Luck all to all the mums having transition days / weeks – Its hard knowing our children are growing up but you know we get to watch them grow and that’s an amazing gift!




  1. 12th July 2016 / 10:04

    I know how you feel! Sometimes you think you are ok and then it will hit you out of the blue! This will be me next year, my son will love it but I will feel sad I just know it! #stayclassymama

    • 12th July 2016 / 10:06

      Thankyou. Yes, somedays your moaning about them being Whiney then others you marvel about how much they are growing up! X

  2. 12th July 2016 / 10:04

    I know how you feel! Sometimes you think you are ok and then it will hit you out of the blue! This will be me next year, my son will love it but I will feel sad I just know it! #stayclassymama

    • 12th July 2016 / 10:06

      Thankyou. Yes, somedays your moaning about them being Whiney then others you marvel about how much they are growing up! X

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