Traveling with Twins – In Flight.


Today I am back with another Traveling with Twins post for you following on from my at the airport this how to make sure your flight goes smoothly.

Our twins first flight was just before their first birthday since then we have been lucky enough to travel at least twice a year.

I know sitting in a confined tin can with any amount of children can seem like a daunting prospect but it doesn’t have to be.

I have even managed to take J & M on my own on a couple of occasions,

So here is what I do to try and beat the cabin fever.


  • Make sure you use the toilet before boarding the plane. – even if they insist they don’t need it I still make my two try you could be a long time with seat belts on!
  • Sometimes if the kids are desperate the cabin crew will let you use the toilet before take off!
  • Make sure you have a spare set of clothes just incase they can’t hold it in.
  • Now I’ve been in a situation where I need the loo and I have two children with me – My advice is If they are happy in their seat leave them. They can’t go anywhere. And there isn’t a lot they can damage in their seat.
  • Otherwise you could take them up to the toilet with you however there isn’t a lot of room for three in those toilets. – Cabin crew may talk to your little ones while you go to the loo. All you have to do is ask.


  • We pack the electronic nanny with us in our hand luggage but remember you will need them in flight mode so download what you can beforehand.
  • Make sure you have kid’s headphones – you don’t want to be on a 4 & half hour flight with peppa pig on a loop in your ear! Kids headphone will often have limited volume too so no need to worry about little ears being damaged
  • Pack a new thing – a magazine, small toy, coloring book. – It doesn’t have to be expensive.
  • I once packed a lucky bag – The excitement of something new and not knowing what is in the bag was enough to keep them busy for a while!

 Reverse the role.

  • Kids love a bit of responsibility I tell mine to let me know when the seatbelt sign is off. This doesn’t always work they still ask for the tray table down or their bag but I get them to keep an eye on the light and tell me when its gone off!
  • While the cabin crew are doing their safety spiel I get the kids to watch if they are old enough and then let me know what to do with life jacket, and how to put on my seatbelt!

I’m Hungry

  • So there is often a trolley of snacks up and down the aisle, on our journey of 4.5 hrs we see the snack bar three times! It can cost a small fortune.
  • Pack some snacks in the kids hang luggage – fruit, popcorn, juice, crisps, even a sandwich!
  • Chose one thing off the menu and don’t veer off.
  • If you only have a short trip eat before you travel.

Getting off

Wait until the end – If you get out of your seat first your going to be holding people up behind you and if you have more than one child your more likely to get split up due to everyone trying to rush off

Take off  & Landing

  • To prevent ears popping and hurting little ones make sure they have some sweets or a drink they can have while taking off and landing
  • For babies I recommend their dummy or feeding them the sucking will relies the pressure in the ears and sooth them during this time.SAMSUNG CSC

So they are my tips for the flight, can you think of any more?

If you have a great tip leave a comment below and don’t forget to follow me on bloglovin of wordpress for more Traveling with twins.



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