Wicked Wednesday – Its too Far, My legs are tired!

This weekend we headed out to a local event. It was in the nearby village.

About 45 mins walk away.

It wasn’t that cold so we decided to walk.

We had gone about half a mile when J decided it was too far!

We pushed him to go a bit further and eventually he picked up pace.

Then we arrived at a field with a footpath running through!

He was not happy!img_0311

We were lagging behind the restΒ Β img_0306But we got there in the end!

And as soon as he saw the candy Floss he was happy enough.


When It was time to go home we set off walking .We walked past a pub and M said “I know mummy we will go for juice here and you can ring Nanny to pick us up!”

“Do you know what M That’s not a bad idea.”

Well if you can’t beat them!




  1. 5th October 2016 / 13:48

    Is there anything less enjoyable than a walk with small people who don’t want to walk! Gah! you have my every sympathy!!

    • 5th October 2016 / 14:08

      Thanks. I won’t do it again in a hurry.! πŸ™‚

  2. 5th October 2016 / 18:58

    Feel your pain, been on many walks.and ended in tears and not just the kids ???? X #wickedWednesdays

  3. 5th October 2016 / 21:18

    Yep – can relate to this. Still very cute pics despite the strop :-). #WickedWednesdays

    • 6th October 2016 / 06:34

      Thank you. He was fine running around an orchard once he’d had his candy floss too! πŸ™‚

  4. 6th October 2016 / 04:18

    Oh I love the hand across the face!!! Kids can be very dramatic! #wickedwednesdsys

    • 6th October 2016 / 06:35

      Ha ha. Yes. Destined for stage this one! πŸ™‚

  5. 9th October 2016 / 08:56

    Oh the walking drama. It is a fact that candy floss makes things better lol #wickedwednesday

  6. 9th October 2016 / 11:53

    Ah Candy Floss solves ALL PROBLEMS! Have a lovely Sunday and can’t wait to see what you have lined up for this week on Wicked Wednesdays! x

    • 9th October 2016 / 11:57

      Ooo it’s a good un this week. πŸ˜‰ x

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