Word Of The Month – February

I told you last month that instead of giving myself new year goal or resolutions each month I would set a word Of the moth to live by. I’m taking each month at a time.

At the end of January I had my gallstone op, it’s going to take some time to get back to normal again.

It’s like almost getting to the end of the snakes and ladders board and then coming across a snake.

My word for this month is Recover

I didn’t really expect my op to come along so soon however I’m glad its now over and done with.

Nanny sue is still trying to recover from the flu.

Also the babies have now got the big twins chicken pox. So we all just need to take a rest and recover.

Throughout February We will be concentration on getting better. Recovering from my op. Recovering from chicken pox.

  • Little and Often – I need to get moving but I also need to rest so I will concentrate on trying to hit my 10,000 steps a day.
  • I need to rest when I can. This past month has really took it out of me.
  • I can’t swim until next month so I’ll need to find another way to relax.
  • I can’t lift for at least 2 weeks so I need to accept help from family & friends. I can’t even lift my babies.

By the end of the month I’ll be 4 weeks post op and well on the way to feeling like a new woman (according to others that have had their gallbladder removed)

Then we can put the last year well and truly behind us.

Nina x



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