Word Of The Month – January

Last year I set my self some goals to be healthier, declutter and make my blogging my job. An income stream. Then I found out I was pregnant. With not one but two more babies and everything went on hold. This year I’ve not set any New Years resolutions or recalled planned my goals out. Instead, I will plan my goals monthly. Taking each month as it comes. I can’t really plan much due to waiting for my gallstone op. I know it’s not going to put me out for a long time but I am going to need time to rest afterward.

Anyway, that said I have decided to give each month a title. What I will focus on each month.

January – Fit

January is all about becoming fit for my operation. Trying to get my body and mind ready so that complications are limited and recovery is quicker.

Here is what I plan to do to get fit for my op.

  • Swimming 3 times a week. I have joined the spa and my aim is to attend at least 3 times a week. I don’t pressure myself into lap times or amount of laps. I just swim. It keeps me moving and helps to clear my mind.
  • Hitting my 10,000 steps. I’m sure I already do this but sometimes I don’t put my watch on until halfway through the morning. By this time I’ve already hit a lot of my steps.
  • 30 mins workout. I want to try and get into a habit of doing a 30 min workout at least 3 times a week. Movement is so important for your body and mind. When you work your heart and lungs by exercising it strengthens them Helping your organs be as fit as they can when you go to surgery.
  • Yoga. Yoga helps me focus. It helps me to breath and it stretches my body.
  • Mindfulness. I really need to prepare my mind as well as my body. Mindfulness can really help me remember to breathe, to live more in the moment and to focus on what’s important.
  • Vitamins. I’m not sure I get enough of what I need from my diet, so taking a multivitamin with added vitamin D is important. At this time of the year especially there is not much vitamin D to be had from the light we get from the sun here in the UK.
  • Diet. The reason for the operation is my gallstones. So I’ve had no choice but to cut out a lot of fat and grease from my diet. Not unless I want to end up in severe pain and then ultimately in a&e as I just can’t cope with the pain.

This is my plan however with a set of school-age twins and a set of baby twins I’m aware that this may seem like a lot. However, if I want to be fit and ready for my op I think I need to at least try.

What word would you give to January? Have you made any goals or resolutions? Leave in the comments how else you think I could get ready for my op!

I’ll update at the beginning of February how I get on and what my word of the month will be for February.

Nina x


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