Word of the Month October

Welcome back to this months word of the month.

Can you actually believe that including this month there is only 3 months left of this year!

I know its gone by so fast.

Last months word or in-fact phrase was Back To It.  I wanted to get back to a better routine and better fitness and back on the school run!

I have to say September has been hard. Getting back into the school routine has took its toll on all of us and our stress levels have been high!

The house is a tip and we have hit an all time low in the house!

I’m not sure if its the passing of the summer, the stress of the morning routine, or just par the course of having two sets of twins!

But we have to get back to better ground in the Spencer household.

Thats why this Month our word is going to be Appreciate!

We have to start appreciating what we have as a family, Appreciate the good in each day and appreciate who we are!

I will be going back to writing in my gratitude diary and asking the kids what they are grateful for each day!

We are getting rid of clutter in the house so that we can see our favorite possessions and appreciate them more.

I really hope it gets us all back on track!

Whats your word of the Month?

Any tips for getting us all back on track?

See you next time

Nina x


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