Budgeting, & free Samples Scoring The Best Free Samples: How To Get Products While Avoiding Spam

So this year I’m all about how to save money & budget better. 

I was asked to collab on this informative post with Free Stuff Baby. Free samples can make great gift basket items. 

Have a look below to see how you can get the best free samples. 


If you know where to look, there are a lot of free samples out there. Companies want to draw in new customers, so they give away products to get them interested. However, while this can be great for you, you also need to know how to avoid junk mail, spam and scams in the process.


Scoring Free Samples


There are a lot of websites that devote themselves solely to finding the best freebie deals out there. They do the work and you can reap the benefits. Occasionally, you may have to interact with the site in some way to get the sample. For example, you may need to provide your email or complete a survey to be eligible.


Free Stuff Baby is a great place to start your search. Be aware, however, that the site simply lists the deals. It is up to you to determine if you feel the company giving out the freebie is legitimate.


Set Up A Special Email


When you go after freebies, you can expect to receive a lot of spam mail as a result of sharing your email address. Therefore, set up an email specifically devoted to your freebie pursuits. That way, the email you use to connect with family and friends will not get bogged down with junk. Make sure that you don’t put in a false email in order to get the freebie. You might need to check shipping information or take additional steps to get your product, so the address needs to be valid.


Figure Out The Good From The Bad


Some offers out there are simply not legitimate. If you carefully consider an offer, you can likely figure out which ones are real and which ones are fake. Most companies, for example, only give out a sample size of a product so you will be enticed to buy more later. If a company is offering up an expensive product for free, like a tablet, they are probably not legitimate and just want your contact information.


Don’t Give Out Certain Details


When signing up to receive a freebie, you will naturally be asked to provide a certain amount of information. For example, you have to give your email address if you want to receive the product. You also need to give out your name. There is not much else that you should have to provide though; a phone number may be necessary, but if you give it out, know that you could get phone calls from telemarketers. If you are asked to provide a lot more personal information, it should raise a red flag.


Be Quick


Some offers are only good for a certain number of people. For example, you might have to be one of the first one thousand people to enter your email address in order to get a product. Make sure you are ready and waiting for these deals. If you have to log into a site, do so before the offer starts.


Celebrate Your Birthday


There are a lot of businesses that give out freebies for birthdays. For example, you may be able to get a coupon for a free dessert with your meal. Simply look for birthday freebie sites and choose the offers that appeal to you.


Never give out your credit card information in order to get a freebie; you don’t necessarily know who you are giving your information to. Even if you determine that the website is on the up and up, it isn’t a good idea to set up a “free” trial. Unless you are vigilant, your card is likely to be charged as soon as the trial ends. Therefore, proceed with caution in these circumstances. It is usually better to move on to the next deal instead.


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