Screen Free Tuesday – Activities

Today I wanted to share 5 activities to do instead of screen time!

Your trying to cook dinner the kids keep begging for the TV on but you’re trying hard not to give in to the screen.

It’s sometimes hard to entertain the kids while your making dinner or folding laundry but here are some activities you could set up instead of reaching for the electronic baby sitter!

  1. Play Doh, – I don’t know about yours but mine kids love play doh. Stamping dinosaurs in it,  molding it and cutting it, making faces with it, pretending its dinner! It doesn’t have to be expensive you can make up your own using one of the numerous recipes online.

  2. Colouring books – These are great not too messy and it keeps mine quiet for a while.

  3. Get them helping – M loves to help out doing chores so I sometimes set her to work matching socks or loading things into the washer. She even has her own iron & Ironing board.

  4. Board Games, You don’t always have to take part in games if you have more than one child they could play together.

  5. Create a fort – fill it with cushions, blankets, books why not even make a camp fire where they can pretend to toast marshmallows and cook sausages!


These are just a few Ideas.

There are loads of things you could do together – Get outside is a big one!

Do you have any Ideas for screen free activities? have you posted about your screen free time last week?

Join in with Ready For A Cuppa’s Screen Free Tuesday Linky


So New linky rules

  • Link up a blog post of your choice either how you have had screen free time over the past week, tips for screen free time or activities to do during screen free time.
  • Link will be live 8am Tuesday – 8pm the following Monday
  • Posts should be your own work.
  • Only one post per person please.
  • It’s only fair that we share the linky love by commenting on at least two other posts.
  • I will feature one blogger each week in my post so unplug those cables & let’s have some screen free time.

Share your posts on Twitter or Instagram using the #screenfreetuesdays  @readyforacuppa I will try to comment & retweet each one


Next week I will be back with another Screen free Linky



  1. 20th September 2016 / 11:59

    I always find duplo/lego is great for killing time when trying to do any chores. Also good for keeping dads entertained as well 😀 Chloe (A Cold Cup of Chloe) x

    • 20th September 2016 / 12:01

      Lego is great but mine are only 4 and struggle on their own at the moment! – However once built they love taking it apart again :-/ x

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